Friday, September 25, 2009

Silly Dad...Tricks are for Kids

I guess I've hit the point in life where my kids think they can use mind tricks on me. I have to admit, sometimes I give in because of their creativeness. For example...Allie. I am downstairs messing around on the computer and I hear her in the kitchen. This is never a good thing. So, I bellow up the stairs for her to get out of the kitchen. To which comes the sweet reply, "Okay, Daddy. I am getting out of the kitchen."

I then hear the pitter-patter of her little feet coming down the stairs. She parks herself right next to me and says, "Hey Dad, if you turn on a Scooby-Doo show for me, I'll give you what's behind my back."

"What's behind your back?"

Staying firm she says, "You have to turn on Scooby-Doo if you want it."

Not wanting to spoil her bribe, I turn on Scooby-Doo. She then provides me with a diet Mt. Dew saying, "I knew this would do it!"

P.S. Madison asked me today if I wanted to be President of the United States. She then informed me that I would have to go on vacation for 4 years if I wanted to do it.

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