Monday, June 14, 2010

Dear Mom & Dad,

I'm so sorry for all the complaining, tattling, hitting, screaming,  and "woes me" moments.  I now know why you sometimes just lost it.  I have a new found respect for you.  Thank you, I love you.  I now ask that you pray for me every moment of this summer vacation because, frankly, I'm on the verge of losing it most of the time.

With love,


Ken Bagby said...


This is what is called a "back atcha". It comes in life when your children realize the struggles of life first hand and realize that at one time they were the children likely creating some of the same chaos for their parents. Remember, your parents survived. And enjoyed the trip. You will also survive and enjoy the trip. Just look forward to about 15-20 years from now when you will be on the receiving end of a "back atcha" from your children! Meanwhile, enjoy the ride. You really do remember the highlights and not so much the "lowlights" like you may be experiencing now.

Uncle Ken

Jenna said...

Love this Jenny!!!