Monday, February 1, 2010

Out numbered

It all started with the girls having friends over... parents = 1 kids = 7.  Time to drop off all friends, requests for friends to stay for dinner, completely denied.  20 min later, finally leave to take kids home.  Drop off all friends but one, and head to the library.  Books were due, it had to be tonight.  3 min in the library, Allie comes and explains that she just couldn't hold it anymore (would have been nice to know she was holding it in the first place).  After 2 years of being potty trained we had our first public accident.  Go figure.  Took her and Madi (so that she wouldn't be by herself) out to the car, stripped off the wet pants and got her buckled into her carseat with a towel under her hiney.  Go back in to retreive all the other kids (including the neighbor kid) and to actually check out the books.  Come back out, 5 min later, to a cop walking away from my van.  Oh crap.  Get to the car and ask Madi what was going on.  She explains that she just talked to the cop.  He wanted to know where her mother was and how old she is.  Oh crap.  Madison tells me that she explained to him that her little sister peed her pants.  Please, oh please, let that cop have children!  If not, I might be getting someone knocking on my door, coming for my kids.  I'll be honest, a few dollars in library fines might have been worth skipping this experience. 


Ken Bagby said...

A classic! I'm still laughing. You will be too...perhaps at a later date when this becomes a war story in the raising of your kids!

Jenna said...

Oh my goodness Jenny...I'm totally assuming this happened to Jenny. I seriously would have freaked out if the cop was walking away from my car...sometimes when my youngest falls asleep, I'll leave my oldest with the cell phone while I run in and out of the grocery store for a few things...I swear everytime I do it (not that often) Andy calls and Alec answers and just says "Mom is in the store". Not "Elisabeth fell asleep and mom will be just a little while". Oh well, Andy would do the same. Being out numbered story of our lives! Glad I'm not alone.