Saturday, February 13, 2010

Just Testing

My folks came for a visit this past week.  In preperation for the trip up to the airport, I invited Allie to go with me.  She willingly agreed.  Mom packed a lunch, she grabbed her little iPod shuffle and hopped into the car.  Within 3 minutes of driving, she was crashed out and slept all the way to the airport.

Having dropped my parents off, we headed home.  Something in Allie turned on and for the next 30 minutes she talked without pausing to take a breath.  The final 15 minutes of the drive, was DJ Dad time as I tried my best to figure and play the songs she described..."You know Dad, the one that goes da da da da da da, and has the drums."

It was a good ride home and I promised Jenny I'd pick her up a diet Dr. Pepper before I came home.  Since Allie was so good, I bought her a Sonic Sweetheart shake.  Running out of cup holders, I was forced to put the shake in the backseat cupholder, right next to Allie.  I paid the car hop and turned to make sure Allie and the shakes were doing okay. 

Both shakes have a big finger width hole in the whipped cream on the top. 

"Allie, please don't eat any more of the shakes."

She responds, "Okay, Dad.  I was just testing them to make sure they were good."

"That's fine, but no more testing please."

"Okay, Dad.  Just so you know that after I tested them, I think their pretty good.  We can eat them."

Nothing like a stamp of approval from Allie "the Taste Tester" Fowler!

1 comment:

Angela and Kevin Reese said...

Allie is the best taster. Did she leave you any shake?