Monday, June 16, 2008

A Quick Clarification

So, I think something is seriously wrong with my girls. Maybe I am to blame. Here's the story:

Once again, picture Jenny driving the girls home at the end of a pretty long day. Jenny is reviewing the expectations for getting ready for bed once we get home. It's a fairly simple list:

1. Go straight to your room and put your jammies on.
2. All clothes are dirty and need to be put in the hamper.
3. Brush your teeth and go potty.
4. No fighting.

Once Jenny declared rule number 4, she added, "This means no fighting, no yelling and screaming, no touching each other...etc."

Then Madison pipes up from the back seat, "I guess that means no wedgie wars too?!?"

Why are my kids obsessed with cramming their sister's undies up their tushies? It's totally Jenny's fault!!!


Jen said...

That is an odd obsession! Maybe if you & Jenny didn't have them all the time yourselves then you wouldn't have this problem.

Matt, Julee, Carlee, Danilyn and Peter said...

this one really made me laugh. Thanks