Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Deep thoughts by Madi

So, I made this rocking bean dip the other night. We had company over and we devoured most of it. There was just enough left to make it worth saving. (It's bean dip, one more bite is worth saving. Bean dip is second only to nacho cheese.)

After church Madi, Hannah, and I were treating ourselves to the leftover dip. I asked them how they liked it. Hannah thought it was too spicy. Madi said, "Dad, when I grow up and have my own place, will you send me this recipe?"

Yeah...it's that good.


Matt, Julee, Carlee, Danilyn and Peter said...

I don't think I ever thought of things like that. She must be destoned for deep things.

Mikelle said...

Scott wow it was great hearing from you your kids are adorable! Congrats on the man child say hello to jenny for me here is my work email if you get a chance to email me what you are up to your profile says you are in afganistan, Chris cfoster@peds.uab.edu